Effect of potassium cyanide on behaviour and time to death in possums

Authors: Rhodes AT, Littin KE, Gregory NG, Wickstrom M, Eason CT, Milne LM
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 46, Issue 2, pp 60-64, Apr 1998
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Possum, Wildlife
Subject Terms: Animal welfare, Behaviour, Toxicology, Poisoning - chemical, Parasites - external, Pest/pesticides
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: AIM: To assess the sickness behaviours of possums after eating a lethal dose of potassium cyanide. METHOD: Spontaneous behaviour and the time to loss of physical responses were examined.
RESULTS: Cyanide ingestion caused a short-lasting period of mild respiratory stimulation. There was no salivation, retching or vomiting. Convulsions occurred in 73% of the possums. After the ingestion of cyanide, the average time to onset of ataxia was 3 minutes, the average time to overall loss of consciousness was 6.5 minutes, and the time to cessation of breathing was 18 minutes.
CONCLUSION: Cyanide is a rapid-acting toxin with few undesirable signs from the welfare perspective.
KEY WORDS: Possums, pest control, animal welfare, cyanide, intoxication, behaviour.
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