Haemophilia A in a litter of Siberian huskies

Authors: MacDonald M, Clark P, Hooper C
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 60-62, Apr 2000
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Companion animal, Dog
Subject Terms: Circulatory system/haematology, Diagnostic procedures, Genetics, Disease/defect, Inherited disease/conditions
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: AIM:  To investigate haemorrhagic diathesis in several males in a litter of Siberian huskies.
METHODS:  Activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, and Factor VIII and Factor IX concentrations were measured in citrated whole blood samples.
RESULTS:  Males in the litter had decreased Factor VIII concentrations.
CONCLUSIONS: Haemophilia A was diagnosed as the cause of haemorrhagic diathesis in several males in a litter of Siberian huskies.
KEY WORDS: Haemophilia A, Siberian husky, dogs.
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