Natural transmission of Mycobacterium bovis infection in captive brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula)

Authors: Pfeiffer DU, Morris RS, Corner LAL, de Lisle GW, Buddle BM
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 50, Issue 4, pp 154-162, Aug 2002
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Possum, Wildlife
Subject Terms: Animal remedies/veterinary medicines, Bacterial, Disease transmission, Epidemiology, Immune system/immunology, Mycobacterial, Disease/defect, Zoonosis, Infectious disease, Vaccination, Public health
Article class: Scientific Article
AIMS: To examine natural transmission of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis infection) in captive brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and to determine if this mode of transmission could be employed to challenge possums in vaccination studies.
METHODS: Three experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, 11 pairs of possums were housed together in cages, one of the pair having been experimentally infected with M. bovis. Of the in-contact possums 5/11 had been vaccinated with bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG). In Experiment 2, three susceptible possums were placed in a colony of 19 possums that had been experimentally infected with M. bovis. In Experiment 3, the four most socially active possums in each of two colonies (24 possums in one colony and 23 in the other) were experimentally infected with M. bovis, and 10 of the remaining possums in each colony were vaccinated with BCG.
RESULTS: In Experiment 1, transmission of M. bovis infection occurred in only 1/11 pairs. In Experiment 2, none of the three in-contact possums became infected. In Experiment 3, infection was transmitted to 5/20 in-contact possums in one colony and 12/19 in-contact possums in the other. The possums that became infected by natural transmission were significantly more socially interactive than those that remained free of infection (p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: When susceptible and infected possums were randomly mixed, the rate of transmission of M. bovis was low, but when highly sociable possums were infected the rate of transmission increased markedly. The risk of transmission was dependent on the close proximity of infected and susceptible possums and the frequency and duration of their social interactions. Natural transmission from experimentally infected to incontact possums in a colony would be a useful way of studying the pathogenesis of tuberculosis in this species, and the social behaviour of the possums studied should be taken into account. The high degree of variation in the rate of natural transmission of M. bovis infection between possums makes this mode of transmission unreliable for assessing vaccine efficacy.
KEY WORDS: Bovine tuberculosis, brushtail possum, Mycobacterium bovis, natural transmission, vaccination
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