Re: Profiling the New Zealand Thoroughbred racing industry. 2. Conditions interfering with training and racing

Authors: Morris RS, Perkins NR, Reid SWJ
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 53, Issue 2, pp 164, Apr 2005
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Horse, Livestock
Subject Terms: Animal industries, Biosecurity, Disease surveillance, Exercise/fitness/athletic performance, Locomotor, Animal production/wastage
Article class: Erratum / Corrections
Abstract: The papers by Perkins NR, Reid SWJ and Morris RS published in the New Zealand Veterinary Journal Vol 53, Issue 1, pp 59–68, and Vol 53, Issue 1, pp 69–76 (2005), entitled, “Profiling the New Zealand Thoroughbred racing industry. 1. Training, racing and general health patterns”, and “Profiling the New Zealand Thoroughbred racing industry. 2. Conditions interfering with training and racing”, respectively, contained errors, concerning referencing the companion paper in the References lists, in which the page numbers were omitted.
For the first paper, the reference to Perkins et al (2005) should read as follows: Perkins NR, Reid SWJ, Morris RS. Profiling the New Zealand Thoroughbred racing industry. 2. Conditions interfering with training and racing. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 53, 69–76, 2005
For the second paper, the reference to Perkins et al (2005) should read as follows: Perkins NR, Reid SWJ, Morris RS. Profiling the New Zealand Thoroughbred racing industry. 1. Training, racing and general health patterns. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 53, 59–68, 2005
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